Lake Nona Social

5 Things Dad Can Help the Kid’s Do for Mother’s Day


Chocolates, flowers and jewelry are wonderful, but here’s a list of some rather simple things moms say they really want for Mother’s Day. Try one or all of these and remember the sentiment “You were right about everything, and we’d be lost without you” is the surest way to bring a smile to her face.

  1. Let Mom enjoy your gift all year long by planting colorful perennials around the yard.
  2. Surprise her with an unexpected cleaning. Try organizing the pantry, the junk drawer, or the refrigerator and freezer.
  3. Be the laundry fairy and have all the dirty clothes washed, dried, and neatly put away.
  4. Make mom’s bathroom squeaky clean and treat her to new bath products and a freshly drawn bubble bath.
  5. Give a gift that shows your love the entire year by making a coupon book. Choose 12 household chores to help mom out each month.

Your hard work will bring mom much joy! Just don’t forget the compliments, hugs, and kisses that moms truly love the best.

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