Nestled within the vibrant Lake Nona area, lies a sanctuary that redefines luxury apartment living: NOVEL Nona by Crescent Communities. As a beacon of...
Meet Stephanie Suarez, a Lake Nona resident and owner of the Modern Beauty Bar. Her passion for beauty, wellness, and love for the area led her Med Spa in...
Pristine Spa founders, Tamara and Inga came to the USA as two young women 20 years ago from Europe in search of their dreams. Both Tamara and Inga came...
Come any time between 10am – 3pm on Saturday, July 31st for lots of fun and chances to win big prizes. Stay up to date by following our Facebook Event...
The Hydration Squad was created by Lake Nona resident Dr. Lis Santana who is a board-certified Anesthesiologist and pain-medicine physician. After several...
Founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Leading Whole Health Company Will Design and Facilitate All Mind-Body Programming and Spa Services at the Lake Nona Performance...
Many residents have been wondering if the proposed Lake Nona Resort with the breathtaking crystal clear lagoon feature is still coming to Lake Nona....